Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I had the best three days with my parents, Winslow, Caitlin, Fiona (who is getting cuter by the day) and Rocco and the best evening and afternoon with Bridgit, Felix and Francis going on the Friends of the Dunes walk and combing the beach finding wild blackberries, crab shells, sand dollar fragments and beautifully tumbled, multicolored beach stones. *deep inhale... aaanddd exhale*
Family love is wonderful. I'm now equipped with a pretty wide array of cooking utensils and a cookbook, thanks to my mom. Can't wait to make hummus, portobello burgers, pesto, chocolate chip mint cookies and rigatoni al forno with roasted asparagus and onions amongst a whole bunch of other delicious things involving garlic. Pretentious? Maybe, maybe not.

*note to self: Go to Humboldt Herbals this Sunday for a free herbal tea brewing class and tea tasting at 5:15 pm. Seriously, don't be lazy. Go. Take advantage of every interesting free class you can find.*

So, I'm currently sipping some organic coffee and listening to Reece's gorgeous singing voice blasting through the speakers. And it's about time I head 'round my brothers to pick up those resumes he printed for me and then resume the job hunt. Finding a normal job isn't easy, since the only experience I have is teaching kids how to do gymnastics.

Stuff from a walk around Humbold State University and the Manila Dunes:

Friday, July 16, 2010


Caught the 4:25 showing of Inception with Reece and Justin at the Broadway Theater today. It had been so long since I'd been to the movies. Especially since I'd seen a movie this grand and seat-gripping. It was a really great piece of art. And I finally got to put my movie popcorn cravings to rest.
Hm. That was the crux of my day.

It's 9:50pm now. I can definitely see how personal preference may be a cyclical thing, because I'm all infatuated with nighttime again. Not long ago, I felt most at peace when the sun was up, and before that I found my solace in the night, and that's where I am again now. So in a few months I'll probably find myself awaiting the rising sun and falling to sleep at decent hours again. For now, it's all about lighting candles, savoring the sight of objects in moonlight, enjoying the sound of crickets and frogs, and relaxing to the absence of hustle and bustle.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Plants & Stuff

Plants. They make sterile spaces fertile and alive. They make breathing easier. Smell a flower, and be healed. They're just all around good looking. Green is my favorite color I think. Or blue. I've always been a fan of a good deep purple too though. Oh, colors! Oh, plants! I love them all.
My bamboo has been heading downhill for quite a while now. I thought it would enjoy being outside more than inside, so one day I set it on the balcony, and there was a ton of rain over the course of the following few days, and I think all that water may have rotted its roots, because all its leaves turned completely white. Hardly any chlorophyll left whatsoever. So this afternoon I gave it a good tilling, trimming and a nutritional lunch of coffee grinds. I also cut some really good smelling lavender flowers off their stalks and stuck them in a ceramic bowl for who knows what. And I gave my new rosemary some water and attention. Better go do the same for the Spanish grass outside, eek! It's getting a little yellow. I think it's natural for that to happen to them in the summer though.
Hmm... paint. I need some paint. Drawing with graphite is all well and good for a while, but it's time to put some color into my art experiments.
Hmm... It's Wednesday. I finally remembered to wear my "business time" shirt on the right day. So proud.
Also, Michael left today. His family came and picked him up after coming down from Oregon. Hopefully he'll be back soon to move in with Justin. And hopefully Justin will find a place to move into soon. Whatever happens, it's nice to have one or two friends up here to give Reece and I a reason to be more

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Life is picking up its pace! My internal gears are whizzing, and I'm ready for a road trip. Destination: San Francisco. A car full of like-minded people in tow. Just had some cheerios and vanilla soy milk and am sipping on a perfect cup of coffee. The sun is shining in its full glory. Even though I live in one of the most beautiful areas in California, I'm still looking forward to a change of scenery.