Monday, July 5, 2010

Life is picking up its pace! My internal gears are whizzing, and I'm ready for a road trip. Destination: San Francisco. A car full of like-minded people in tow. Just had some cheerios and vanilla soy milk and am sipping on a perfect cup of coffee. The sun is shining in its full glory. Even though I live in one of the most beautiful areas in California, I'm still looking forward to a change of scenery.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chelsea!

    I really enjoyed the video, very catchy tune, it makes me want to go plant something!! Sounds like life is good today. I spent yesterday doing art all day with friends, I need to post pictures on my blog, it was so fun! Today I spent my time cleaning up the house, while not as fun as making art, it makes me feel good to have a clean house. I wonder, do you have an email address I can use, other than your blog? Enjoy the trip to the city, I love S.F.!!

    Hugs from Aunt Debbie
