Saturday, June 26, 2010


Our (humanity's) connection to one another despite distance has amazed me today. I've been thinking a lot about one of my aunts lately without any obvious reason. This afternoon, I discovered a great blog that she's had running for a while. If you're an artist or like art, check it out. Beautiful stuff. Anyways, minutes after discovering this and plotting to write her a comment or send some sort of letter, I checked my mailbox and found a card from her and my uncle! It's when things like this happen that I really feel inspired and loved and looked after by the bigger picture. Thanks for the wink, Universe. *wink*

1 comment:

  1. Hello from the aforementioned auntie!! I am happy to have found your blog, it will make me be more current with mine. Ahhh, so now I know you are not only pretty, you are also a good writer!! I have enjoyed reading your blog and your food looks and sounds very yummy, lucky Reece! I was very, very happy to see your email to me today. You are loved and thought about often, especially lately - yes, that is the Universe taking care of both of us! Love you girlie! Aunt Debbie
