Thursday, August 19, 2010

Divine Goosebumps

I'm not sure how far this subject will propel my train of thought, but I want to find out. And in case it goes somewhere good, I'd like to share it. I've always had a feeling that goosebumps or chills were the effect of a more-than-physical cause. Science says that they happen when we're cold or afraid, which is true (don't get chills so much when I'm afraid though), but it doesn't address the bleeding obvious fact that people also get them when they're inspired, witnessing profound beauty, feeling indescribable love, or when something resonates deeply with their core beliefs. I was just reading a bit of my book, where a shaman was telling a native story to his apprentice about a magical deer. It may sound silly out of context, but the flow of events, the feeling behind the story, and the imagery conveyed induced some mad goosebumps, followed by a tightening in my throat. There's something beyond mere physiology going on here. I guess the subject captivates me the way it does, because to me, it's kind of like a tangible manifestation of something beautifully mysterious and Divine. More on this later. I want to get back to my book.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Love to Weave

Jewelery making is one of my new passions, I do declare! I was walking around Michael's the other day with the intention of buying a compass and a new pencil sharpener, when a spool of multi-colored hemp string caught my eye. It excited me, and I felt compelled to buy it, so I did. I googled "how to weave a hemp bracelet" when I got home, and voila! A new hobby was born.

"A bracelet a day keeps the doctor away" is my new motto. I still love apples, but making these little beauties is really therapeutic and satisfying. I made a rose quartz bracelet yesterday, and I'm thinking about making another tonight before I go to bed. There's nothing like creating your own things. Who knows, maybe this can blossom into a small, lighthearted business.

I have a job interview at the campus bookstore tomorrow morning. I'm nervous just thinking about it. This'll be my first ever interview. I wasn't interviewed for my last job at Baldy View Gymnastics, because I knew everyone in charge personally for years. This time, not so much. Phew... It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today was a good day. I had a nice sleep-in, went in to Moonrise Herbs for an organic salad and took advantage of my Sequoia Park Zoo annual pass. It's a small zoo, but a gem, and it was very worth my trouble finding it. I found a nice bench in front of the howling gibbons. I forgot the name of the brown male. I think Bono? Well, me and Bono had a nice munch on lettuce together. I used a fork, and he used his foot.
It was nice being able to wander the zoo at my own pace, observing what I wanted for how long I wanted. Besides the gibbons, I had a good look at some pretty spider monkeys, a spotted owl, a couple of ravens, a western blue bird, a sacred ibis, a bunch of friendly goats, flamingos, and THE RED PANDAS! Oh my god, I love those guys. Just look at them:
The first time I checked out their new habitat, they were hiding, so I was really excited this time to see one poking its head out of its hut and the other chewing on bamboo in plain view.
Soo on my way out of the zoo, I had a look around the gift shop and bought a much needed coffee mug that has one of the best, most comfortable handles ever. I'm drinking coffee out of it now and loving it.

Anyway, I've used up most of my blog writing energy for the day. Power to the animals! They make me happy. Really happy. I want to go back to the zoo again and again and befriend every species there.