Saturday, October 30, 2010

Russel Brand's School of Vocabulary

This past Monday I followed an impulse to buy Russell Brand's autobiography, My Booky Wook, and it's so goody wood I can hardly stand it. It's a joyride. It's lighthearted. It's incandescent. It's naughty. It's a vocabulary lesson. I haven't whizzed through a book this fast in the longest time. Though I'm always reading it in close vicinity to, and I'm constantly pausing myself to look words up like vertiginous, pejorative, vitriolic and priapic. I love it! I'm always laughing and eager to learn a new word. It should always be this fun to learn stuff.
So, I've come up with a plan (that I'll start when I'm through with this blog post) to make learning vocabulary even more awesome. Since I've always entertained the thought of having a 'word of the day', and since I really could be putting more time into making art, I'm going to fill up my empty sketchbook with words and drawings to associate them with. This excites me. I'll post pictures of the fruits of my labor soon enough. For now, here's a picture of my inspiration :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Moon and Stars

It's not the most common thing in the world for me to be inspired to post a blog entry, but I am right now, so I'm rollin' with the feelin' and doin' it! I find that some of my best journal entries are spontaneous, unplanned ones with unknown destinations. It's fun to document a train of thought and then to read it back later on down the line and to observe what's the same and what's different about the way my neurons fire.
Wow, so I could hardly believe how bright the moon was last night. It was really really beautiful. All of the clouds were illuminated, and at 3am it looked like it was about to be dawn. The only thing close to being a downside about the moon being full is that the stars get washed out from all that light. But honestly, I hardly ever look at the stars like I used to. I used to love making an event out of stargazing every night. It's amazing how many shooting stars make them selves known on a nightly basis if you're willing to be patient and if your neck can hold your head back long enough without cramping up.
Welll, I should go take my shower. I think a reading session is in order after that. And maybe some night sky observation on the balcony with some candles. A romantic evening of self. The moon should be even brighter tonight than it was yesterday.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tibetan Meditation Group, Sundays @ 6pm on the Arcata Plaza (an essay)

On Sunday, September 26th from 6:00-8:00 pm, I joined a Tibetan meditation group at the Community Yoga Center on the Arcata Plaza. They meet at the same time every week in the semi-small yoga studio upstairs, and of course, anyone is welcome. This week, the focus of the gathering was Mahayana Buddhism. In short, Mahayana Buddhists believe in no Creator or ruling deity. They believe that deity is present in the doctrine of The Three Bodies of Buddha; The first being The Body of Essence, which is the ineffable, impersonal absolute reality, or infinite truth that is Nirvana. The second is The Body of Bliss or Enjoyment: Buddha as a formless, deity, divine, celestial spirit with the power of saving grace. The third is The Body of Transformation or Emanation. This is an emanation or illusion in human form provided by the divine Buddha to guide a person to Enlightenment (something anyone can achieve).

Upon arrival, I found the gathering to be a lot less formal than I imagined it would be. I was immediately welcomed by a nice woman in loose pants and a t-shirt and the sweet smell of burning incense. On the front wall, hung a poster of Chenrezig, the compassionate Buddha (the other main focus of the evening). Before that was a shrine, adorned with tea lights and framed pictures of the Dalai Lama. I settled into a folding chair with my text along with a few other people, but most sat on mats on the floor in front of me. My text was a small, rectangular collection of unbound pages, tucked away into a folded front and back cover, which we all read together aloud. It was written in Sanskrit, with English translations underneath. I was told that most Sundays, the group read the text in Sanskrit, but this time we read everything in English, apart from the mantras. They probably did this, because they sensed there were some first-timers in the group.

The first hour of this gathering consisted of readings from the text, repeated mantras, and moments of silent meditation, led by a member of the group, who didn't seem to be any more important than anyone else in attendance. The meditations succeeded in quieting my thoughts about the past and future and bringing me into the present moment. "Om Mani Peme Hung" was one of the meditative mantras that was chanted and sung many times, and one of my favorites. There was no English translation for this in the text, so at the end of the service, I asked a friend there about the meaning, and she told me that it meant "the jewel within the lotus". She then walked me over to the front wall and showed me its pictorial representation in the poster of the Chenrezig.

The second hour of the gathering was an open discussion. It began with a woman reading a passage out of a book observing the emptiness, formlessness and voidness of the mind. At the end of the reading, a man asked "So let's talk about all this emptiness" The woman who was reading the book answered by telling the man to "think about Los Angeles". Once he confirmed that he had Los Angeles pictured within his mind's eye, she said "Okay, now think about New York City", and he did. Her point was that the mind doesn't have to travel across the country to get from Los Angeles to New York. It instantaneously moves from point A to point B, because it has no form, no filling, no density. But it is eternal, and therefore real, therefore causing ripples in the eternal universe, effecting Karma, which is also real. She and a few others went on to discuss how the mind isn't bound by anything, and has no location in space or time. Even material things that are impermanent like the mats and the shrine in the studio have no location, because everything we give a name to isn't made out of just one thing. The shrine is made up of candles, pictures and incense, which includes wax, wood, fire, glass, metal and dried plant material, amongst an infinite amount of other composites. Everything is made up of something, which basically means that nothing can really be located, and that everything is connected.

Another point of discussion was emotions and their volatile impermanence. In Mahayana, if one is experiencing a negative emotion, the goal is to instantly transform it into something more favorable, instead of clinging to it. On an energetic level, something that is given attention expands, so the idea in this practice is focus on the transformation of the negative feeling into something more beautiful instead of the negative feeling itself. The fact that this transformation is possible means that the unfavorable emotion of fear, sadness, frustration... etc, is an illusion. It is unreal, because it is impermanent and malleable. Knowing this enables one to transmute an emotion like anger into something like exhilaration, or sadness into serene inspiration; Similar energies with very different usages, made possible by a shift in intention. At this time, I watched the sun set through the studio windows and the light change from piercing white to a more subdued, golden glow.

Proceeding the discussion, we all wrapped up the gathering by re-reading a dedication to Dalai Lama from the text, I contributed a dollar, my email address and phone number, and that was that. I can sincerely say that this experience was worth my while and very stimulating. I'll most likely be back for another visit sometime soon.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Divine Goosebumps

I'm not sure how far this subject will propel my train of thought, but I want to find out. And in case it goes somewhere good, I'd like to share it. I've always had a feeling that goosebumps or chills were the effect of a more-than-physical cause. Science says that they happen when we're cold or afraid, which is true (don't get chills so much when I'm afraid though), but it doesn't address the bleeding obvious fact that people also get them when they're inspired, witnessing profound beauty, feeling indescribable love, or when something resonates deeply with their core beliefs. I was just reading a bit of my book, where a shaman was telling a native story to his apprentice about a magical deer. It may sound silly out of context, but the flow of events, the feeling behind the story, and the imagery conveyed induced some mad goosebumps, followed by a tightening in my throat. There's something beyond mere physiology going on here. I guess the subject captivates me the way it does, because to me, it's kind of like a tangible manifestation of something beautifully mysterious and Divine. More on this later. I want to get back to my book.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Love to Weave

Jewelery making is one of my new passions, I do declare! I was walking around Michael's the other day with the intention of buying a compass and a new pencil sharpener, when a spool of multi-colored hemp string caught my eye. It excited me, and I felt compelled to buy it, so I did. I googled "how to weave a hemp bracelet" when I got home, and voila! A new hobby was born.

"A bracelet a day keeps the doctor away" is my new motto. I still love apples, but making these little beauties is really therapeutic and satisfying. I made a rose quartz bracelet yesterday, and I'm thinking about making another tonight before I go to bed. There's nothing like creating your own things. Who knows, maybe this can blossom into a small, lighthearted business.

I have a job interview at the campus bookstore tomorrow morning. I'm nervous just thinking about it. This'll be my first ever interview. I wasn't interviewed for my last job at Baldy View Gymnastics, because I knew everyone in charge personally for years. This time, not so much. Phew... It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine. It will be fine.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today was a good day. I had a nice sleep-in, went in to Moonrise Herbs for an organic salad and took advantage of my Sequoia Park Zoo annual pass. It's a small zoo, but a gem, and it was very worth my trouble finding it. I found a nice bench in front of the howling gibbons. I forgot the name of the brown male. I think Bono? Well, me and Bono had a nice munch on lettuce together. I used a fork, and he used his foot.
It was nice being able to wander the zoo at my own pace, observing what I wanted for how long I wanted. Besides the gibbons, I had a good look at some pretty spider monkeys, a spotted owl, a couple of ravens, a western blue bird, a sacred ibis, a bunch of friendly goats, flamingos, and THE RED PANDAS! Oh my god, I love those guys. Just look at them:
The first time I checked out their new habitat, they were hiding, so I was really excited this time to see one poking its head out of its hut and the other chewing on bamboo in plain view.
Soo on my way out of the zoo, I had a look around the gift shop and bought a much needed coffee mug that has one of the best, most comfortable handles ever. I'm drinking coffee out of it now and loving it.

Anyway, I've used up most of my blog writing energy for the day. Power to the animals! They make me happy. Really happy. I want to go back to the zoo again and again and befriend every species there.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I had the best three days with my parents, Winslow, Caitlin, Fiona (who is getting cuter by the day) and Rocco and the best evening and afternoon with Bridgit, Felix and Francis going on the Friends of the Dunes walk and combing the beach finding wild blackberries, crab shells, sand dollar fragments and beautifully tumbled, multicolored beach stones. *deep inhale... aaanddd exhale*
Family love is wonderful. I'm now equipped with a pretty wide array of cooking utensils and a cookbook, thanks to my mom. Can't wait to make hummus, portobello burgers, pesto, chocolate chip mint cookies and rigatoni al forno with roasted asparagus and onions amongst a whole bunch of other delicious things involving garlic. Pretentious? Maybe, maybe not.

*note to self: Go to Humboldt Herbals this Sunday for a free herbal tea brewing class and tea tasting at 5:15 pm. Seriously, don't be lazy. Go. Take advantage of every interesting free class you can find.*

So, I'm currently sipping some organic coffee and listening to Reece's gorgeous singing voice blasting through the speakers. And it's about time I head 'round my brothers to pick up those resumes he printed for me and then resume the job hunt. Finding a normal job isn't easy, since the only experience I have is teaching kids how to do gymnastics.

Stuff from a walk around Humbold State University and the Manila Dunes:

Friday, July 16, 2010


Caught the 4:25 showing of Inception with Reece and Justin at the Broadway Theater today. It had been so long since I'd been to the movies. Especially since I'd seen a movie this grand and seat-gripping. It was a really great piece of art. And I finally got to put my movie popcorn cravings to rest.
Hm. That was the crux of my day.

It's 9:50pm now. I can definitely see how personal preference may be a cyclical thing, because I'm all infatuated with nighttime again. Not long ago, I felt most at peace when the sun was up, and before that I found my solace in the night, and that's where I am again now. So in a few months I'll probably find myself awaiting the rising sun and falling to sleep at decent hours again. For now, it's all about lighting candles, savoring the sight of objects in moonlight, enjoying the sound of crickets and frogs, and relaxing to the absence of hustle and bustle.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Plants & Stuff

Plants. They make sterile spaces fertile and alive. They make breathing easier. Smell a flower, and be healed. They're just all around good looking. Green is my favorite color I think. Or blue. I've always been a fan of a good deep purple too though. Oh, colors! Oh, plants! I love them all.
My bamboo has been heading downhill for quite a while now. I thought it would enjoy being outside more than inside, so one day I set it on the balcony, and there was a ton of rain over the course of the following few days, and I think all that water may have rotted its roots, because all its leaves turned completely white. Hardly any chlorophyll left whatsoever. So this afternoon I gave it a good tilling, trimming and a nutritional lunch of coffee grinds. I also cut some really good smelling lavender flowers off their stalks and stuck them in a ceramic bowl for who knows what. And I gave my new rosemary some water and attention. Better go do the same for the Spanish grass outside, eek! It's getting a little yellow. I think it's natural for that to happen to them in the summer though.
Hmm... paint. I need some paint. Drawing with graphite is all well and good for a while, but it's time to put some color into my art experiments.
Hmm... It's Wednesday. I finally remembered to wear my "business time" shirt on the right day. So proud.
Also, Michael left today. His family came and picked him up after coming down from Oregon. Hopefully he'll be back soon to move in with Justin. And hopefully Justin will find a place to move into soon. Whatever happens, it's nice to have one or two friends up here to give Reece and I a reason to be more

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Life is picking up its pace! My internal gears are whizzing, and I'm ready for a road trip. Destination: San Francisco. A car full of like-minded people in tow. Just had some cheerios and vanilla soy milk and am sipping on a perfect cup of coffee. The sun is shining in its full glory. Even though I live in one of the most beautiful areas in California, I'm still looking forward to a change of scenery.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Our (humanity's) connection to one another despite distance has amazed me today. I've been thinking a lot about one of my aunts lately without any obvious reason. This afternoon, I discovered a great blog that she's had running for a while. If you're an artist or like art, check it out. Beautiful stuff. Anyways, minutes after discovering this and plotting to write her a comment or send some sort of letter, I checked my mailbox and found a card from her and my uncle! It's when things like this happen that I really feel inspired and loved and looked after by the bigger picture. Thanks for the wink, Universe. *wink*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Confound- to cause surprise or confusion in someone especially by acting against their expectations
Russel Brand made me smile and laugh today. Sourire win!
I took a solitary drive around the neighborhood yesterday evening, just to get out of the apartment and scope out the area I live in, and there's forest access up the street just like my brother said. That is an adventure waiting to happen when the sun comes out.

Today I turned in my last printed resume to Gold Rush Coffee. Their craigslist ad said "no experience necessary". PERFECT. So, I'll either be a salad bar manager at Moonrise Herbs (fingers are still crossed for that, because that shop is amazing) or an espresso bar attendant at Gold Rush Coffee (which is also awesome, because I'm a coffeephile. But I'd have to commute to Eureka. But I'll already have to do that for school in August, so...)

Tonight I made caramelized onions, coconut flakes and apples on top of thai rice :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I just turned my resume into Moonrise Herbs. I feel like I just did something huge. It's ridiculous how much I want to work with them.
 That's a स्लुग.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Improvised Soup

Coconut butternut squash soup with a squeeze of lemon, a dash of cinnamon, coconut flakes, a pinch of basil and mint leaves, a chopped up carrot, a chopped up celery stick, some cream, some sour cream, two spoons of peanut butter, and a spoonful of hot sauce is sizzlin on the stove. Insane, I know. Delicious, surprisingly so. I like to wing it. I was never good at improvising on the guitar, but I'm the Django Reinhardt of soup. Oh, and some chopped up onion.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I have an aversion to "paranormal". Not the definition of the word at all, but the image it conjures in my mind's eye. Dusty Victorian ghosts with nothing better to do than to go bump in the night. That's what I think of. Creepy. It's time to look beyond that. I'm becoming more accustomed to paranormal things. The thought of something happening to me isn't so scary anymore. I guess all I needed was for something to actually happen. Like for something to repeatedly grip my head with the tips of its fingers in the middle of the night. This happened just a few nights ago. I was aware of it happening. I was lying there limp, groggy, letting it happen, because I thought it was Reece. But I turned over and found him to be deeply asleep. Why the hell am I not terrified? I always thought that something like this would make me so. I'm kind of excited.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


It's a Sunday afternoon, and time is escaping my grasp again. Where does it go nowadays? It's not just me who's noticing the change. Time may very well be changing. Actually changing. It's like its wavelength is decreasing, and it's getting all scrunched up, and it's getting close to the center of the time spiral. Or maybe it is just a mass change in peoples' perception. Or both. It unsettles me slightly, because I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing on this planet. (This is why I don't exactly enjoy playing The Sims. A virtual day expires in that game in about 20 minutes, and there's no time to stop and smell the virtual flowers. And that elevator music. Bleghk) I'm on a quest to find a loving, like-minded community of people who I can learn from, and share with. My interest in all things metaphysical worries my biological family, so I need some alternate support here.
Yesterday I bought a book called Nothing in this Book is True, But it's Exactly how Things are by Bob Frissell. Reece recommended it to me. I'm only ten or so pages in, and I can feel the pressure building in my mind like it's going to blow any second.