Saturday, June 26, 2010


Our (humanity's) connection to one another despite distance has amazed me today. I've been thinking a lot about one of my aunts lately without any obvious reason. This afternoon, I discovered a great blog that she's had running for a while. If you're an artist or like art, check it out. Beautiful stuff. Anyways, minutes after discovering this and plotting to write her a comment or send some sort of letter, I checked my mailbox and found a card from her and my uncle! It's when things like this happen that I really feel inspired and loved and looked after by the bigger picture. Thanks for the wink, Universe. *wink*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Confound- to cause surprise or confusion in someone especially by acting against their expectations
Russel Brand made me smile and laugh today. Sourire win!
I took a solitary drive around the neighborhood yesterday evening, just to get out of the apartment and scope out the area I live in, and there's forest access up the street just like my brother said. That is an adventure waiting to happen when the sun comes out.

Today I turned in my last printed resume to Gold Rush Coffee. Their craigslist ad said "no experience necessary". PERFECT. So, I'll either be a salad bar manager at Moonrise Herbs (fingers are still crossed for that, because that shop is amazing) or an espresso bar attendant at Gold Rush Coffee (which is also awesome, because I'm a coffeephile. But I'd have to commute to Eureka. But I'll already have to do that for school in August, so...)

Tonight I made caramelized onions, coconut flakes and apples on top of thai rice :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I just turned my resume into Moonrise Herbs. I feel like I just did something huge. It's ridiculous how much I want to work with them.
 That's a स्लुग.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Improvised Soup

Coconut butternut squash soup with a squeeze of lemon, a dash of cinnamon, coconut flakes, a pinch of basil and mint leaves, a chopped up carrot, a chopped up celery stick, some cream, some sour cream, two spoons of peanut butter, and a spoonful of hot sauce is sizzlin on the stove. Insane, I know. Delicious, surprisingly so. I like to wing it. I was never good at improvising on the guitar, but I'm the Django Reinhardt of soup. Oh, and some chopped up onion.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I have an aversion to "paranormal". Not the definition of the word at all, but the image it conjures in my mind's eye. Dusty Victorian ghosts with nothing better to do than to go bump in the night. That's what I think of. Creepy. It's time to look beyond that. I'm becoming more accustomed to paranormal things. The thought of something happening to me isn't so scary anymore. I guess all I needed was for something to actually happen. Like for something to repeatedly grip my head with the tips of its fingers in the middle of the night. This happened just a few nights ago. I was aware of it happening. I was lying there limp, groggy, letting it happen, because I thought it was Reece. But I turned over and found him to be deeply asleep. Why the hell am I not terrified? I always thought that something like this would make me so. I'm kind of excited.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


It's a Sunday afternoon, and time is escaping my grasp again. Where does it go nowadays? It's not just me who's noticing the change. Time may very well be changing. Actually changing. It's like its wavelength is decreasing, and it's getting all scrunched up, and it's getting close to the center of the time spiral. Or maybe it is just a mass change in peoples' perception. Or both. It unsettles me slightly, because I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing on this planet. (This is why I don't exactly enjoy playing The Sims. A virtual day expires in that game in about 20 minutes, and there's no time to stop and smell the virtual flowers. And that elevator music. Bleghk) I'm on a quest to find a loving, like-minded community of people who I can learn from, and share with. My interest in all things metaphysical worries my biological family, so I need some alternate support here.
Yesterday I bought a book called Nothing in this Book is True, But it's Exactly how Things are by Bob Frissell. Reece recommended it to me. I'm only ten or so pages in, and I can feel the pressure building in my mind like it's going to blow any second.